Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I'm more attracted to you then F is attracted to an electron

Title courtesy of pick up lines galore :3

Every once in a while, you get that teacher. Not the teacher who hates you for no particular reason (because we've all got those, too), but the teacher with the lofty ideals. Seemingly harmless, these teachers have the potential to be even more detrimental to your GPA and social life than the first kind.

Exhibit A, my chemistry teacher. He's probably a nice guy. Actually, I'm sure he is. He used to be an attorney, but then quit to teach chemistry. Cute, right?

There are three things wrong with that.
1. He hasn't taken a chemistry class since high school
2. He's not good at relaying his genius, which he must have if he can teach chemistry without taking it for the past, what, 15 years?
3. He treats us like his learning experience.

Learning experience? This is legitimately what I witnessed the other day.

Needless to say, not cool. Chemistry itself shouldn't be the hardest thing. And for those of you who haven't taken chemistry, here's some pictorial representation of what we deal with.

Proud to Present:

For example

Then there's

And lastly

See how that could get confusing though? Class doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

I'm beginning to believe that Bohr and Einstein and my chemistry teacher have made a pact to just troll us as hard as possible this year. The kids who are doing well in that class usually take their own notes, which totally works, until we have a lab due.

If nothing else, at least my classmates are awesome. Not that Pangaea world peace isn't rad, but we've made some of our own conclusions. Like the flap?

I've got a problem.

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